Few Lines on Milkha Singh

Few Lines on Republic Day of India

Republic Day in India is celebrated on 26th January every year to commemorate the great day when the Constitution of India came into force. It was the day when India became Democratic Republic country where government is for the people, by the people and of the people. It was the great the day in the  Indian history since it gave the power to elect the government in the hands of its citizen.

Few Lines on Republic Day of India in English for Students and Children

Republic Day is one of the most common topic given to students in schools. We have provided 10 lines on Republic Day which will help the students to understand this great National festival of India.  It will also help them to write a short paragraph on Republic Day, a short essay on Republic Day, few sentences on Republic Day as well as short speech on Republic Day.

Few Lines on Republic Day of India

1. Republic Day of India is celebrated on 26th January every year to commemorate the day when Constitution of India came in to force.

2. It was the 26th January, 1950 when the Indian constitution came in to force and India became a democratic country.

3. This was the great day in the history of India as it became an independent democratic republic country after hundreds of years colonial rule.

4. The Constitution of India provides the right to elect the government in the hands of its citizen which works for the welfare and development of the country.

5. The Republic Day is celebrated across every corner of the country with great patriotism and enthusiasm.

6. All the schools and government offices organise the flag hoisting ceremony and sing national anthem and salute the tricolor.

7. The main attraction is the celebration at the the Rajpath, New Delhi which witnesses the huge crowd across the world.

8. The celebration at Rajpath showcases the defense capability of the country and the incredible cultural diversity of India.

9. The magnificent parade by all the three defense forces makes it a mesmerizing experience at the Rajpath.

10. Republic Day is the one of the national festivals which binds the whole country with a single string of patriotism, brotherhood and nationalism.
